Conflict Analysis is a wellness-based psychological assessment and intervention. Rather than focusing on pre-established symptoms, Conflict Analysis guides you to use your own voice to identify personal patterns and start making changes.

Conflict Analysis is a guide to knowledge, insight, and personal change. It promotes self-knowledge through creative inquiry, utilizing writing, drawing, and guided reflection. It provides a pragmatic blueprint for optimal living, empowering you to understand yourself and grounding you as a leader that is ready to help others.


Conflict Analysis has been utilized in a range of clinical and education contexts, including with Veterans, cancer patients, and college and high school students. We offer online programs for personal use, clinical practices, and classroom development, as well as in person workshops at our Vermont headquarters. Conflict Analysis is based on the theoretical foundations of the Formal Theory of Behavior and outlined in the Conflict Analysis Battery.

“By finally understanding this logical progression of my feelings, insights and knowledge gained from using the workbook, my anxieties no longer seemed insurmountable. I saw my true colors spread before me in drawings only I could have created in a logical, predictable sequence. I saw the rainbow of my life shining as if after a storm. I now knew where to begin to heal."