Relational Modalities:
A wellness-based way to understand personality
People respond to challenges in different way. Some people are more comfortable as leaders, some are more comfortable being supportive. Relational modalities are a classification system for conceptualizing how we relate interpersonally, but also how process information internally.
The four characters walking the Yellow Brick Road: Dorothy, the Cowardly Lion, the Scare Crow, and the Tin Man depict the four relational modalities, the wellness personality diagnoses.The RMES is a personality inventory that is used to identify one’s own personality. Though the Wizard of Oz characters are presented as problematic, needing the magical intervention of a wizard, we recognize them as referencing wellness psychological diagnoses. Their features are constellations of emotions and behaviors. They are different from the current diagnostic categories that are based on illness as opposed to wellness. The four relational modalities vary along the axes of power/ powerlessness and cooperation / antagonism. It is important to know them because they may decompensate and manifest with different symptom patterns. The Oz heroes’ characteristic strengths and weaknesses help to chart the path to first, understand oneself, and secondly, to modify the emotional sequence by either lessening power, the state of activity or increasing it, reversing antagonism to cooperation and finding healthy stance of mutual respect versus alienation.
Dominant Cooperative
Like the Wizard of Oz's Dorothy, people that are Dominant Cooperative are social leaders, enjoying positive relationships, but can at times be competitive, domineering, and self-centered.
Dominant Antagonistic
Like the Wizard of Oz's Cowardly Lion, people that are Dominant Antagonistic are determined and strong-willed, confident in themselves but suspicious of others.
Submissive Cooperative
Like the Wizard of Oz's Scare Crow, people that are Submissive Cooperative are dedicated, trustworthy and likable, but are more comfortable being helpers than taking charge.
Submissive Antagonistic
Like the Wizard of Oz's Tin Man, people that are Submissive Antagonistic are capable, committed, and conscientiousness, but can lack self-confidence and also be suspicious of others.